Offbeat Bikes Magazine
One Good Run - The Legend of Burt Munro
John Britten
One Good Run - The Legend of Burt Munro
  I’ve had these two books for many years, and they’ve been well read. I recently checked Amazon and found out, that today, getting hold of copies of these books (even secondhand) is either difficult, costly, or both! Still I’ve decided to include them, and if you should come across copies at sensible prices, then snap them up.
  These two books were both written by Tim Hanna, a writer who can produce a very readable story and still include a lot of the technical details that are of interest to other motorcycle builders and tinkerers. Reading both books may also change your perception of the men involved. One of these men produced (almost single handedly) a blisteringly fast bike using limited tools and budget - and Burt's bike genuinely was shed built. (He also lived in the shed!) The other one also designed and built an incredible bike, but the ‘one man in a shed’ myth is bunkum. It was a fantastic achievement, but it was much more of a team effort than is often readily acknowledged.

 The books are:-
One Good Run: The Legend Of Burt Munro by Tim Hanna
ISBN: 9780143019749


John Britten by Tim Hanna
 ISBN: 9781877333088

  Reading of the trials and setbacks that these men endured, and the persistence with which they doggedly continued on their chosen paths, before finally starting to achieve some success is guaranteed to cheer you up when you hit a sticky patch with your own projects.
John Britten by Tim Hanna
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